FIRE JOE MORGAN: Bustseph Ulngan


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Monday, May 23, 2005


Bustseph Ulngan

Buster Olney, in his blog-article "Buy, Sell, or Hold," writes:
"Tampa Bay can't flat-out bail on the season because of manager Lou Piniella, but the D-Rays should be open to making deals for Baez and Aubrey Huff."

>> Are you kidding me? Why does everyone have such a baseball-boner for Lou Piniella?

As of today, the Rays are 13 games -- 13 games -- out of first place. They're 11 1/2 games out of the Wild Card. And 8-16 against divisional opponents. If anyone other than the Royals should be flat-out bailing, it's the Tampa Bay Devil Rays.

I don't know, maybe Lou Piniella is good enough to keep the Rays in the race...let's see, his lifetime managerial winning percentage is .523. So if the Rays could just play at that pace for the rest of the season, they'd finish at 76-86. That could be good enough to grab the Wild Card, right?

Am I reading this wrong? Is there another reason that the D-Rays can't bail on the season because of Lou Piniella? Does he have a rider in his contract that says the team can't phone it in? I'm kind of serious.

Regardless, Buster Olney is a huge asshole.

posted by dak  # 6:06 PM
Can't bail on Pinella because he'll get pissed off and quit.
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