FIRE JOE MORGAN: No, John Kruk, You Are Wrong


Where Bad Sports Journalism Came To Die

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Sunday, May 15, 2005


No, John Kruk, You Are Wrong

Time to introduce a new segment on F(E-AW)JM; it's called "No, John Kruk, You Are Wrong." Here's how we play...

From BBTN a couple nights ago -- and thanks to Coach for the assist on this one.

When asked who the Giants needed more, Barry Bonds or Jason Schmidt, John Kruk replied (as close to verbatim as I can remember): "Jason Schmidt. The Giants don't have a lot of good starting pitching. Sure, Barry Bonds is a great hitter, he's the best player in the game, but Jason Schmidt is harder to replace."

So, it's easier to replace Barry Bonds -- who Kruk admits is the best player in the game -- than it is to replace a pitcher with a 4.71 ERA so far this season?

No, John Kruk, you are wrong.

posted by dak  # 3:43 PM
DAK -- I think technically it should be F(EA-W)JM, not F(E-AW)JM.

You're welcome.
Good point, Ken. But guess what? We're going back to FJM. Cleaner. Simpler. . . Better.
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