FIRE JOE MORGAN: No, John Kruk, You Are Wrong


Where Bad Sports Journalism Came To Die

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Sunday, June 05, 2005


No, John Kruk, You Are Wrong

Remember this game?

From BBTN, tonight, in re: the Astros winning after Clemens gave up 3 runs in the first inning: "And the Astros are saying 'maybe this is what we need. Maybe we need Clemens to give up a few runs, get behind a little, so our bats wake up."

>> For serious? For fucking serious dude?

"Hi Craig Biggio."
"Hi Lance Berkman. How are you?"
"I'm okay. I just haven't been hitting well."
"That's weird, what do you think the problem is?"
"Eh, my bats just a little sleepy."
"Really? It's not that off-season surgery?"
"Nah. It's just..."
"What is it, Lance? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, it's just that...[leans in close to whisper to Craig Biggio] bat just doesn't wake up unless Clemens gives up a few runs in the first."
"Dude. I'm so glad you said that. I didn't want to say anything, but my bats are like the exact same way."
"Should we tell anyone?"
"NO! No one can know."
"No one? Not even --"
"Kruk? Well, I guess we could tell John Kruk."

No, John Kruk, you are wrong.

posted by dak  # 7:06 PM
dak, dude -- did you read my post? I mean, come on. Let me have some of the glory.
you beat me by a minute.
and i was too busy typing away -- missed the kruk / ravech exchange.
but sure, you can have like 40% of the glory.
Nice CSS, Dorothies.
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