FIRE JOE MORGAN: Rick Sutcliffe, no thank you


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Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Rick Sutcliffe, no thank you

I apologize for the lack of exact quoting on this, but I am new to the world and unlike the rest of you, don't carry a notebook yet.

Last night, Sutcliffe went through a very long explanation about how the ALCS ended a game ealier than the NLCS and that the Red Sox had the advantage of an extra day at home. The he blamed the All-Star game. Then he explained to America how that was no small advantage for the Red Sox.

Then, IN HIS NEXT BREATH, he said "Tony LaRussa's teams are always prepared."

Shut up.

posted by America's Sweetheart  # 8:16 PM
Yeah. All game long he was diminishing the Sox and praising the Cards. The history remains the same, the Sox won in 4 games.
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