FIRE JOE MORGAN: Jim Bowden does everything he can to ruin his team. (Part VII)


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Thursday, July 14, 2005


Jim Bowden does everything he can to ruin his team. (Part VII)

Jim Bowden has just traded for Preston Wilson. PRESTON WILSON.

I don't know why every GM in the bigs isn't trying to fleece this guy once a week. He's putting together a team of players other teams don't want. Remember how Billy Beane was said to trade for undervalued players with "warts"? This is like the opposite of that. Jim Bowden is trading (and overpaying) for players with leprosy.

Last year, Preston Wilson had an OPS+ of 69. His OPS on the road is 691; his road OBP is 280. That's 17/1000ths better than Horacio Ramirez this year.

posted by dak  # 9:39 PM
Hey dak. Get out of the bathroom and edit your post to include the word "is." Thanks.
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