FIRE JOE MORGAN: The Bulldog Chimes In


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Thursday, June 29, 2006


The Bulldog Chimes In

Orel Hershiser is doing the Mets-Sox game tonight, and has generally been pretty good. He actually called a specific pitch from Schilling in the 5th -- Milledge was up, there were guys on first and second, and Orel said that because Milledge is young and has made some errors in the past few days, he'll probably be really aggressive, so Schill will most likely throw him a splitter or change on the outside corner to get him to chase. And then Schill did exactly that. It was impressive.

But then, later, he said:

Sometimes home runs are rally killers, because they clear the bases.

Yes. The runners on the bases get to jog home and touch the plate, netting "runs" for their team. Thus: the rally has been "killed" to the tune of the best possible result for that moment in the game.

I know what he means -- he means that the "rally" isn't as "rallyish" because the pitcher is not in the stretch, and there are no guys on base, and whatever, but the point of rallies is to score runs, and home runs do that, quite efficiently.

That is some dumb bulldoggin'.


posted by Anonymous  # 8:39 PM
From reader Jonathon:

I have an even better rally killing home run story. From Cincinnati color man Chris Welsh regarding Eric Milton’s propensity to allow home runs, “the key is to make them solo shots, because often times the solo home run is a rally killer.” Can a rally be occurring with no one on base?
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