FIRE JOE MORGAN: Pasta Train for Lasorda!


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Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Pasta Train for Lasorda!

Feel free to skip this, because it's going to have absolutely nothing to do with baseball.

Remember Tommy Lasorda's blog? Right. Well, he has a new entry, and in delightful stereotype-reinforcing fashion, this fat, Italian rich guy decided to write all about his favorite restaurants. Now that's a spicy-a meatball!

He lists his picks city by city, as if to say, "if you're ever in Chicago, you have to try ___." And yet, his list is almost half chain restaurants like Bucco di Beppo (he's picking the one in Universal City no less?!). His two picks for Washington, DC: ESPN Zone and The White House.

Finally, presumably because he wanted me to have terrible nightmares tonight, Lasorda also includes the following: "If you combined all the pasta I have eaten at Carmine’s over the years you could fill an entire train."


posted by dak  # 3:22 AM
First of all, I'd challenge your spelling of the classic Italian cliche: "Now that's a spicy-a meatball!" as: "Now that's a spicy meat-a-ball!" Just rolls off the tongue better. Say them both out loud.

Second, here are my favorite restaurant entries in Tommy's blog:

[in Philadelphia] Pat's – One word: PhillyCheeseSteaks!

I guess technically any number of words can become one word, if you just jam everything together.

[in New York] Rao's – Trust me when I tell you that this Italian restaurant has the Best [sic] meatballs ever! The sauce is so good you want to eat it with a spoon.

As opposed to...?

He also names three (!) different ESPN Zones, and a Cracker Barrel. Yikes.
One word, Junior: ThatIsReallyFunnyThatThoseLinksDon'tWork!
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