FIRE JOE MORGAN: Idea that Announcer Can Jinx Perfect Game = Holocaust


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Saturday, August 05, 2006


Idea that Announcer Can Jinx Perfect Game = Holocaust

That is the position of Yankee broadcaster Michael Kay, who, on his radio show today, went totally bananaballs crazy.

Apparently, Kay began his show by saying, "On this day, August 4th, 2006, I declare the Red Sox officially dead." He then began getting angry calls and e-mails from Yankee fans who thought he was jinxing the team -- especially since he "jinxed" Chien-Ming Wang's perfect game in the 6th inning earlier this year by announcing that it was happening.

During one of these calls, captured in the clip below, Michael Kay goes batshit crazy and starts talking about slaves and Nazis "putting people into ovens."

Now, we at FJM happen to agree with Michael Kay that it is stupid to think that an announcer has any effect on what happens on the field of play. These are not the Middle Ages. The sun does not get eclipsed by the moon because the Gods are angry about our harvest. However. We at FJM also understand that there are certain silly superstitions in baseball -- like not saying "perfect game" during a perfect game -- that are fun and enjoyable and time-honored traditions that add a humanistic element to the game. And we certainly do not believe that comparing the caller's feelings on this matter to the Nuremburg defense used by mass-murderers is, um, appropriate.

To listen to a seriously unhinged dude, click here.

To listen to the entire audio show, go here.

(P.S. Later in the broadcast, Kay says: "Jim Kaat is the best color commentator in baseball. And that includes Tim McCarver." Which is less offensive than the first part of his diatribe, but still incredibly offensive.)


posted by Anonymous  # 12:15 AM
My favorite part (it's towards the end):

Michael Kay: "You know, sometimes I believe there are no gods, the way the world goes."


Michael Kay: "Well?"

Co-Host Guy: "I think your eye is bleeding."
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