FIRE JOE MORGAN: If Only the Other 99 Were As Scrappy


Where Bad Sports Journalism Came To Die

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Friday, December 08, 2006


If Only the Other 99 Were As Scrappy

FJM is a site dedicated to the debunking of poor sports journalism and analysis, using strict statistical analysis and common sense. Except when it comes to Derek Jeter, when we suddenly reverse course and get upset that he did not help ARod out in the media and thus should not have been MVP. (He should have been MVP. Relax. We're kind of kidding.) (Kind of.)

However, we are also not above non-baseball-related ad hominem attacks on David Eckstein. He's got the heart of a champion. He can handle it.

Loyal reader Ludicrous Pat files this report on a little guy we all know and love, and his recent appearance on the NBC Non-Event Game Show Non-Extravaganza "1 Vs. 100":

The question was, "What word is repeated the most in "Row your boat"

a) Row

b) Boat

c) Merrily

Merrily with 4 beats Row with 3 and Boat with 1, but even though almost everyone got it right, Mr. Eckstein, the -- as the show proclaimed -- "World Series MVP," got it wrong.

But he got it wrong with grit and hustle.

That last line will be on Eck's gravestone. When he dies hustling to the dinner buffet at his retirement home at the age of 180.

posted by Anonymous  # 8:57 PM
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