Regarding my last post:
1. No, Gwen Knapp did not vote for Ty Cobb. I don't know how old Gwen Knapp is, but I'm going to charitably assume she hadn't been born yet in 1936. Cobb did receive 98.2% of the vote, however, and I don't think it's a reach to say he would be elected if he came up again today.
2. Yes, these are apples and oranges. Cobb's stabbiness did not, as far as I know, help him hit home runs. That's why the title of the post is "Unfair Juxtaposition of the Day." I personally just find it amusing that voters do talk a lot about integrity and character and "moral guardians" in regard to an mythical place already populated by a fair number of cheats, drunks, wife-beaters (this is conjecture), racists, serial arsonists/jewel thieves (maybe?? I hope???) and stabbers (or at least one stabber).
3. Yes, Gwen Knapp voted for Dave Parker and Dave Parker did use cocaine. Cocaine is currently on Major League Baseball's list of banned substances, but again, I'm not sure it helped him in the field or at the plate. Maybe.
4. To be honest, I don't feel that strongly about this. I'm not overly upset that Mark McGwire isn't in the Hall of Fame. Writers are clearly retroactively enacting their own form of vigilante justice on the basis of moral fiber. But I ask you this: would it change your mind if I told you I once saw Paul Molitor strangle a baby raccoon with his bare hands?