FIRE JOE MORGAN: Nice Work, People.


Where Bad Sports Journalism Came To Die

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Saturday, February 03, 2007


Nice Work, People.

We have now completely skewed the results of the poll.

Look specifically at the question in re: sabermetric vs. traditional stats.

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posted by Anonymous  # 5:12 PM
We're at 60,000 votes. When I first linked to it, the poll had about 2,000.
This is now officially hilarious.

There are like 160,000 votes, and like 99.1% of people call themselves "experts" in sabermetrics.

How is this happening? Without giving away too much, we don't have 160,000 regular reader on this site. Or even 80,000 with two computers a piece.

It's really making me laugh to imagine that 97.8% of all those polled use FRAA as their main fielding evaluation tool.
I smell a 'bot of some kind.
Yeah. Now it has to be. If you guys are reading this, ease off. We don't need any heat from the ESPN cops.
This is why people hate us.
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