FIRE JOE MORGAN: This Is Not What I Meant When I Said "Work To Be Done"


Where Bad Sports Journalism Came To Die

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Friday, February 02, 2007


This Is Not What I Meant When I Said "Work To Be Done"

Nerds, you did it. Observer effect. I only realized this after I posted, but by linking to that ESPN baseball statistics poll, I totally wrecked the results I was making fun of.

It's true.

Here were the results of question 3 as of this morning:

3) Which stat do you use the most when evaluating hitters?

43.6% Batting average (AVG)
25.7% On-base plus slugging (OPS)
18.2% On-base percentage (OBP)
10.2% Runs batted in (RBI)
2.4% Slugging percentage (SLG)

And here they are now:

3) Which stat do you use the most when evaluating hitters?

36.2% On-base plus slugging (OPS)
35.0% Batting average (AVG)
18.6% On-base percentage (OBP)
7.9% Runs batted in (RBI)
2.2% Slugging percentage (SLG)

That's right. FJM's asshole readers (readers who are assholes, not readers who read assholes) have propelled OPS into the lead over that mustache-twirling villain, batting average. You guys are doing some work on the fielding question, too.


5) Which stat do you use the most when evaluating fielders?

69.4% Errors (E)
13.1% Range Factor (RF)
12.5% Fielding runs above average (FRAA)
5.1% Assists (A)


5) Which stat do you use the most when evaluating fielders?

59.8% Errors (E)
20.3% Fielding runs above average (FRAA)
15.7% Range Factor (RF)
4.2% Assists (A)

Begone, errors and range factor!

Um, well done, I guess? Not really the point of me posting that link, but I enjoyed it anyway. Now we'll never know the scientific fact of what percentage of Americans prefer range factor to assists according to a stupid online poll!

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posted by Junior  # 7:40 PM
I think we should go back through all the old posts and label them all "statistics."
I'm going to label them all "sports." And "writing."
Are we sure that FJM is the cause of this and not other sites, or something else entirely (like people getting more common sense as the day goes on)?
No, it's because of us.
Let's do a poll asking people if they think it's because of us.
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