FIRE JOE MORGAN: Live-Blogging Rick Sutcliffe


Where Bad Sports Journalism Came To Die

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Monday, June 18, 2007


Live-Blogging Rick Sutcliffe

FJM founding member Murbles just moved to Los Angeles. I'm currently watching the Braves-Sox game with him. Here's what just happened:

(Scott Thorman doubles, leading off the inning. Braves pitcher Chuck James bunts him over to third.)

Rick Sutcliffe: See, that is Bobby Cox baseball right there.

Murbles: (instantly) Having the pitcher bunt? Really? Bobby Cox invented that?

Welcome to LA, Murbles.

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posted by Anonymous  # 8:03 PM
I believe Sutcliffe just said that Brian McCann won the "silver bat" award.

Techincally accurate, in that he was presented with an award in the shape of a silver bat.

But, also, wrong.
I wish the glittery seductiveness of L.A.'s coolly rational sabermetric analysis industry would stop stealing all my colleagues.
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