FIRE JOE MORGAN: Don't say it. Don't say it...He said it.


Where Bad Sports Journalism Came To Die

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Saturday, July 28, 2007


Don't say it. Don't say it...He said it.

A gem from reader Devon:

During the Mets-Nats today, Gotay singles in Reyes. LoDuca was wearing a towel on his head on the bench to keep cool.

Gary Cohen: "From now on, in RBI spots, the Mets are going to be putting towels on their heads. It'll be like the new rally cap...the towel head."

Can't wait for the Braves-Mets game where the Tomahawk Chop faces off against the Towel Head. Good luck racists!


Reader Cary writes in, claiming that Cohen in fact said: "towel cap." Disappointing, if it's true.

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posted by dak  # 5:27 PM
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