FIRE JOE MORGAN: At Least Get This Kind Of Stuff Right


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Sunday, September 16, 2007


At Least Get This Kind Of Stuff Right

You're Joe Morgan. You don't know anything about newfangled baseball statistics, you don't care to learn, and frankly, you mostly stay away from talking about them when you're commenting on a game. Fine.

But at least be knowledgeable about the strengths and weaknesses of the players you're watching. Don't say stuff like this:

Damon doesn't have the strong arm anymore.

Johnny Damon never, never, never had anything close to resembling even an average arm. He's a fairly famous player who in recent years has manned center field for the two marquee teams in baseball. He had dumb hair, even dumber facial hair, he wrote a book, he went on Letterman, he had an attention-whoring wife. This is not an obscure September call-up. It's Johnny Fitzgerald Nitro Damon we're talking about here.

If you're Joe Morgan, isn't it your responsibility to know something, anything about him?

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posted by Junior  # 8:45 PM
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