FIRE JOE MORGAN: What an Unbelievable Turd


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Tuesday, November 06, 2007


What an Unbelievable Turd

Is there any more annoying and insufferable group of people in the world than the 1972 Dolphins?

We get it. You went 14-0. You were awesome. You're the best. No one else will ever be as good as you. You're the fucking 1976 Reds of football.


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posted by Anonymous  # 6:16 PM
Thanks to John, and others, for reminders like these:

Shula's remarks are pretty ballsy, coming from a coach who had one of the weakest schedules in NFL history. I think he has little to stand on when the Dolphins' opponents had a collective .396 opponents record (which doesn't include the losses to the Dolphins). And lets not forget they faced only 2 teams in the regular season that had winning records, plus those stellar playoff wins by 6 points, 4 points, and 7 points.


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