FIRE JOE MORGAN: A Special Tip of the Cap


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Monday, April 25, 2005


A Special Tip of the Cap

To Steve Phillips, formerly the worst GM in baseball, now one of the worst analysts. Here's a little tidbit from his ESPN chat today:

Craig (Elon, NC): Looks like all the Braves needed was a trip back home to get their bats you see them continuing this?

Steve Phillips: I do have some concerns about the lineup. They haven't gotten much from Jordan or Mondesi. But it really wasn't fair to expect much anyway. The key to that offense is Chipper Jones, Andruw Jones, Furcal and Giles.

Good point. You know what the key to the Red Sox offense is? Johnny Damon, Manny Ramirez, David Ortiz, and Trot Nixon. The key to the Yankee offense is Jeter, ARod, Sheffield, and Matsui. The key to the offense of Team X is A/B/C/D, where A = the leadoff hitter, B = the number 2 hitter, and so on.

On a side note, I think the key to Lance Armstrong's success is his legs, feet, torso, and strategy.


posted by Anonymous  # 10:30 PM
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