Where Bad Sports Journalism Came To Die

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Friday, September 30, 2005


Randy Watch!

Going into his last start of the season, Randy Johnson nees to win 14 of the 2 remaining Yankees games to reach his John Kruk-predicted 30 win mark.

Whaddaya say, Randy? Let's prove Krukie right!

posted by Murbles  # 10:58 PM
Kruk, and Harold Reynolds, who predicted the same thing, can still be correct. Check it out: RJ wins tomorrow for number 17. The Yankees end up in a tie with Cleveland and RJ wins the playoff of 2 days' rest. 18. Then, a clerical error comes to light that reveals that the Yankees have actually only played the DRays 8 times this year, so they play a ten-game series (five double-headers over five days) and start RJ in every game, and sweep. That's 28. Then, the Yankees, with HR and Krukie's help, petition the league to let them play two exhibition kickball games against the Harlem Globetrotters (Game One) and the staff of MOMA (Game Two), and RJ "pitches" both games and wins. 30. No sweat.
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