FIRE JOE MORGAN: We Are Officially Toddling


Where Bad Sports Journalism Came To Die

FJM has gone dark for the foreseeable future. Sorry folks. We may post once in a while, but it's pretty much over. You can still e-mail dak, Ken Tremendous, Junior, Matthew Murbles, or Coach.

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Thursday, April 27, 2006


We Are Officially Toddling

No one could possibly care about this except us, but a few days ago FJM celebrated its first birthday.

With that in mind, we just wanted to thank everyone who has come to this site. When we started this blog, its intended audience was like six people. We were all amused by all the ridiculous things that sportspersons would say and write about baseball, so we decided to put it in one place that the six of us could read.

One year later, apparently, thousands of other people read our nonsense every day. Some of you really don't seem to like us, and that's cool too.

Thanks for reading; e-mailing; posting links to us on all those obscure message boards; and even threatening to castrate Ken Tremendous.

Now let's get back out there and get Joe Morgan fired.

posted by dak  # 3:11 PM
Joke's on you guys -- I'm a eunuch.
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