FIRE JOE MORGAN: Skip Bayless Has Officially Lost It


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Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Skip Bayless Has Officially Lost It

Exhibit A.

posted by Murbles  # 1:12 AM
Unreal. Taylor Hicks is a great singer.

That's what you meant -- right, Murbles?
No, I was mainly taking issue with his "American Idle" pun. I mean, come on, at least find a way to make, like, an "American Idyll" pun.
Several readers have pointed out a few hilarious errors in Bayless's piece. I will admit that I didn't catch them because once I realized that this article was entirely about American Idol, I stopped reading.

Anyway, here's what he wrote.

"I first experienced the "Idol" phenomenon at the 2002
World Series. I mentioned -- merely mentioned -- in a
column that it was too bad Fox insisted that "Idol"
winner Clay Aiken sing the national anthem. After all,
this was Game 1 at Yankee Stadium."

Our intrepid readers have noted that Clay Aiken did not in fact win American Idol, finishing runner-up in 2003, not 2002. What's more, the Yankees weren't even in the World Series in 2002, so what exactly Bayless is talking about, we'll have to speculate.

Although, I do love the image of a then-unfamous Clay Aiken singing the national anthem in an empty Yankee Stadium while game one of the 2002 World Series was being played 3000 miles away in Anaheim.
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