FIRE JOE MORGAN: You're Better as a Pop Culturist, Chuck


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Saturday, January 27, 2007


You're Better as a Pop Culturist, Chuck

Chuck Klosterman has an article in Esquire where he posits whether certain current broadcasters were better as players than they are as announcers. Sound like a tremendous waste of time? It is. But I could not let this snippet pass without posting it on this blog, which is itself a tremendous waste of time.

Tim McCarver: Though he finished second in the voting for the 1967 National League MVP, McCarver was a journeyman best remembered for being Steve Carlton's personal catcher during much of the 1970s. As a broadcaster, he is a stubborn polymath with an uncanny propensity for predicting when broken-bat singles are about to occur. McCarver is regularly criticized for saying what already seems abundantly obvious, but then again, a lot of people who watch baseball on TV are fucking idiots. Better as a broadcaster.

For those "fucking idiots" out there who watch baseball and don't know what "polymath" means, it means: "Someone who knows a lot about a lot of different subjects."

Whereas McCarver, as far as I can tell, knows exactly nothing about one subject.

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posted by Anonymous  # 2:16 PM
First of all, hat tip to Ryan for the Klosterman tip.

Second, I just re-read the whole Klosterman article. Is that guy the Platonic ideal of alt-cutesy indie rock journalistic bullshit, or what?

Also, he kind of makes light of Steve Kerr's father's murder. Or, if he doesn't "make light" of it, he at least tries to use it for comedy purposes, kind of. Whatever. Shit's just inappropriate, is what I'm saying.
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