FIRE JOE MORGAN: An Unlikely Ally...


Where Bad Sports Journalism Came To Die

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Saturday, April 07, 2007


An Unlikely Ally...

It's not often that I find myself agreeing with anything I read in the New York Post (that does not go for Columnist of the Year Andrea Peyser, whose writing makes the entire recorded history of Western literature look gay).

However, it kind of freaked the ol' bean when I read this column, by the Post's Phil Mushnick. A call for Joe's firing in a real newspaper*? Amen, brother. We are with you 100%.

That is, until later in the same column, when you go after Florida's Joakim Noah in a not-so-borderline-racist way for having "gone gangsta."

You were doing so well!

* debatable

posted by Murbles  # 4:22 PM
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