FIRE JOE MORGAN: "...Thank You?"


Where Bad Sports Journalism Came To Die

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Thursday, May 10, 2007


"...Thank You?"

I imagine that was Dodger catcher Russell Martin's response to manager Grady Little, after hearing this "compliment" --

"He," Dodgers manager Grady Little says of his catcher, in the loftiest of baseball terms, "is a dirtbag."

And then, after showing a sly smile, Little explains in his gravelly voice: "He's a baseball player."

What do you think of baseball player Russell Martin? He's a baseball player.

I submit this for the approval of the Dodger fans who wrote in to defend Grady a week ago.

Also, the Red Sox of the early 00s called themselves "Dirt Dogs." That I kind of understand. But isn't calling your guy a straight "dirtbag" just kind of insulting?

Thanks to reader Karthik for the tip.

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posted by Anonymous  # 11:00 AM
Many of you have pointed out that the Long Beach (Cal State, maybe?) college team is called the Dirtbags, or calls themselves the dirtbags, etc. So I guess that part isn't that weird.
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