FIRE JOE MORGAN: Worst Hyperbole Ever!!!!


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Saturday, June 16, 2007


Worst Hyperbole Ever!!!!

Readers Adam and Keith simultaneously emailed about Tim McCarver's comment on Omar Vizquel:

"He helps the team when he's not hitting. He saves over 100 runs per season with his glove."

Fielding stats are generally kind of iffy, but in response to this, I say:


No he does not.

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posted by Anonymous  # 5:12 PM
I received many variations on this e-mail; this is the most succinct version, from John:

McCarver is correct -- if you take him literally. If the Giants put someone out at SS without a glove; or Vizquel went out there without a glove...then the Giants would almost certainly give up 100 more runs a year.
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