FIRE JOE MORGAN: Small, Irritating Things You Hear on the Radio


Where Bad Sports Journalism Came To Die

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Thursday, August 16, 2007


Small, Irritating Things You Hear on the Radio

Our readers have been on fire in re: sending in little dumb moments from broadcasts. I will save them for a future gallimaufry, and let this one synecdochically represent your work.

Dodgers-Stros, 4th inning, Mark Loretta up. Charley Steiner is your irritant.

"If you have an on base percentage of .330 or above, that's pretty darn good. That's the cut-off point."

.330 puts you 121st out of the 174 guys currently qualifying for the batting title. That, to me, is not "pretty darn good."


posted by Anonymous  # 11:58 PM
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