FIRE JOE MORGAN: Love This One (A-Rod, Of Course)


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Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Love This One (A-Rod, Of Course)

Sent in by Jason, this is Mike Lupica on Mike and Mike this morning:

If they [Boras and A-Rod] come in and ask for $300 million, I think Cashman has the right to use the old Branch Rickey line to Ralph Kiner - "Son, I finished last with you, I can finish last without you."

Because the Yankees, as we all know, finished in last place in major league baseball, winning an execrable 2 games and losing 160. It was a record, and it was all because of Mr. 54 home runs, 156 RBI and 143 runs.

(Seriously, look at those numbers again. Look at them! Even if you hate RBI, look at them.)

P.S. The quote may or may not be mangled. Wikipedia, which is never ever wrong, claims it was "We finished eighth with you, we can finish eighth without you." (At the time, there were eight teams in the National League.)

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posted by Junior  # 7:45 PM
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