FIRE JOE MORGAN: Era of Anonymity Comes to an End


Where Bad Sports Journalism Came To Die

FJM has gone dark for the foreseeable future. Sorry folks. We may post once in a while, but it's pretty much over. You can still e-mail dak, Ken Tremendous, Junior, Matthew Murbles, or Coach.

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Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Era of Anonymity Comes to an End

So, after a few conversations with various other bloggers and like 28 minutes of low-grade soul searching, the editors of this site have decided to reveal our identities.

The reasons for this are:

1. We figured whoever reads this site has a right to know who's writing it.
2. The people we make fun of have a right to face their accusers.
3. We don't want anyone to be able to write off what we say as the un-credited ramblings of people too afraid to stand behind them. (The ramblings.)
4. We figured no one cares that much one way or the other, so why not?

So, if you are interested in learning who we really are, you can click on the "About Us" link at the top. If you're a true romantic, and want to believe that we are cloaked cyber-Zorros who exist only within the internet, ignore the link and go about your business, secure in the knowledge that whenever Woody Paige makes a terrible pun, we will be there.


posted by Anonymous  # 3:01 PM
When do we open up comments again?
I might as well go ahead and reveal my identity as well.
And yes, enough e-mails, people, you guessed right: this is Coach.
If only out of respect to the sort-of-recently deceased, I feel like someone should point out that Junior was, um, joking when he said that Coach was Robert Altman.

Remember how we make jokes sometimes?
Chester Jesterton is the prophet Muhammad (no IMDB entry).
This is Spinoza.
And this is America's Sweetheart.

(That's for you, Murbles.)
Then again, that would explain why I stopped posting around the release of "A Prairie Home Companion."
And also why my posted have sucked since "Nashville."
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