FIRE JOE MORGAN: How About Podsednik for Hughes, Straight-Up?


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Sunday, June 03, 2007


How About Podsednik for Hughes, Straight-Up?

One of my favorite things about June is that sportswriters start proposing trades, and they're almost always loonytunes. (Steve Phillips, par example.) The 2007 edition of "They should totally do this!" has been officially kicked-off by FJM fave Phil Rogers.

Given the growing desperation of the two teams [Yankees and ChiSox], is it out of the question Sox general manager Ken Williams would package Joe Crede and Mark Buehrle to the Yankees for [Alex] Rodriguez, outfielder Melky Cabrera and a live arm or two? It's the kind of big-name trade Williams seems to love making. Rodriguez has a no-trade clause in his contract and Scott Boras as his agent, but you have to think he wants out of New York more than ever now that the New York Post is staking him out in hotel elevators.

Well done, sir.

I'm guessing that the real reason this would never happen is because Brian Cashman is a sentient human being with the ability to understand basic information. Joe Crede is a good fielding 3Bman who did hit 30 HR last year (in what might have been a career year) and this year is crashing to earth, sporting a .216 EqA. Mark Buehrle is a pretty good pitcher. Alex Rodriguez is one of the best baseball players in the history of baseball. Melky Cabrera is a 22 year-old OF with good upside. One or two "live arms" are anonymous pitchers with, presumably, some upside.

And before you fire off emails talking about how ARod is miserable and will void his contract at the end of the year and blah blah blah: Buehrle is a free agent after this year. And Crede has one more arb year and then he's free.

So, the proposed trade is:

1. Decent LHP (28th in VORP this year) who has a career K/9IP rate of 5.3, which is: eh, and who could leave at the end of the year
2. Good defensive third baseman who has shown good power in the past, whose career OBP is a Guzman-esque .306

1. One of the very best baseball players of all time
2. A 4th OF who's 22 years old and had a .750 OPS last year
3. A live arm
4. Another live arm

Seems good to me. Ball's in your court, Cashman.

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